Instant Ear Wax Removal


If you have blocked ears we normally have appointments available within 24 hours for an £80 fee. Our highly trained clinical audiologists will remove the wax by microsuction. A gentle suction device is used to remove earwax under a microscope carried out with precision accuracy using high-spec examination microscopes.  This gives your audiologist x20 magnification for unrivalled visibility and depth perception so they can work safely in the ear canal. The procedure is quick, safe and painless, and doesn’t involve putting liquid into your ear.

It can be tempting to take matters into your own hands and try using cotton buds or your fingers to remove the blockage but we strongly advise avoiding this. Pushing objects into your ear to try and clear them can cause further damage, so ear wax extraction should always be carried out by a professional.

To achieve the best results apply softening drops or olive oil prior to your appointment. This makes it much easier to remove any hardened wax.

If you wear hearing aids, please bring these along to your appointment and we can check and clean them for you.

Please be aware that we are not able to issue prescriptions; if you suspect that you may have an infection, please seek the advice of your GP.

Call now for an appointment on 020 8455 6361.

North London HearingAll our staff are highly skilled audiological practitioners who are trained in healthcare provision.  As we are registered with the Health Professions Council, we can accept self-referrals, or referrals direct from your GP or from Ear, Nose and Throat specialists across the UK.  Established for 25 years, we are part of the Harley Street Hearing Group, London's leading independent hearing clinics, and are North London's only Lyric Centre. 

So whether you want advice on hearing loss or protection call 020 8455 6361 or click here to email us.