David Hammond – Lyric has literally changed my life
It was not until about 20 years ago that I acknowledged that I had a hearing problem that needed to be addressed. Over this period I have been fitted with a very wide range of hearing aids, some of which were astronomically expensive, but none offered me a complete substitute for my natural hearing capability. Although the volume of my hearing improved, I found that there were many environments in which I was unable to hear normally and background noise was a particular problem.
When I became aware of Lyric aids I was keen to explore the possibility of technological improvements.
I have been fitted with Lyric in both ears, at North London Hearing, and am both astonished and delighted with the quality of my hearing, which represents a quantum leap in the advancement of audio technology.
I can hear as well now as when I was a child and have discovered how I have been ‘missing out’ to a very considerate extent. Quite apart from the perceived stigma of wearing visible hearing aids that some might consider an issue, for me a man in my seventies, my absolute priority is to be able to hear properly and to join in conversations rather than often opting out of them.
Lyric has literally changed my life in a very positive way. My wife claims that even my speech is clearer and my temperament calmer than they were B.L. (before Lyric!)
David Hammond – patient at North London Hearing